Thursday, March 4, 2021

Presdent Biden Demeans Neanderthals

Jan Louthain, President of the U.S. Neanderthal Association, reports that she is offended by President Biden's recent negative reference to Neanderthals when commenting on the current trend to relax COVID restrictions.  In a news conference on March 3, Mr. Biden said it was "Neanderthal thinking" to believe that "in the meantime, everything is fine, take off your masks."  While she agrees that it is unwise to relax restrictions too soon, she finds the Neanderthal comment demeaning and hurtful.  

According to 23andMe, about 2% of the population in the United States has Neanderthal characteristics.  At one point in history before they became extinct, Neanderthals interbred with modern man.  This was determined by scientists after they recently recovered DNA from Neanderthal bones and found matches with the current population.  At 2%, this is probably one of the smallest minority groups in the United States and Louthain intends to defend them.